Samsung Wants to Double Down on Health Data Research

Samsung’s no stranger when it comes to tech-based health research – in addition to its many wearable devices and health-focused apps, the company recently expanded its horizons with the Samsung Health Research Stack, which it describes as a way to “strengthen data-based digital health research.”

Samsung Health Research Stack is essentially an open-source project that works with digital health via Android and Wear OS devices. The platform also serves as a way for IT developers and medical research experts to design services using related data.

This announcement comes a couple of years after the launch of Samsung Health Stack Alpha back in 2022 and Samsung Health Stack 1.0 in 2023, with the latest version now rebranded to Samsung Health Research Stack. It’s also a part of Samsung’s new Health SDK Suite which combines multiple development tools for healthcare applications.

It also includes an app SDK for easy application creation, a back-end service that manages data collected by the app, and a web portal to assist with research design and data analysis. The latest version includes more convenient features, such as enhanced support for the Sensor SDK and Data SDK, which allow researchers to create watch apps that measure and utilize electrocardiogram, blood oxygen level, body composition, and sleep data from devices like the Galaxy Watch or Galaxy Ring.

Samsung adds that the Health Research Stack is open to any company or medical institution developing solutions that utilize wearable devices and biomarkers.

Source: Samsung

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